After the integration of the prototypes make sure that the story is preserved and the concepts also match in during in-situ interaction.
Check to what extent the implementation of the story and the experience during interaction is preserved with the remaining control elements. In addition, examine to what extent the framework was preserved after the integration.
Integration concept, framework, story, components
Critical issues can be operating problems caused by other devices, e.g. sight obstructions or mix-ups with other control elements. For this purpose, a small number of test persons relives the story in the demonstrator.
The second aspect, the experience during interaction with other control elements, concentrates on a holistic experience of the interior: Does a certain control element prevent the experience? Does it fit conceptually to other control elements? Does one design stand out? For this purpose, an interview with the test persons is recommended which precisely discusses these questions.
The third aspect of the evaluation deals with preserving the story and the framework. Design a semantic differential for the evaluation which contains adjectives that represent the framework. The test persons answer the semantic differential after reliving the story, helping to determine to what extent they associate the prototype with the framework. This determines if ideas of the framework are communicated spontaneously by the prototype even after the integration into the vehicle.
Results regarding the integration
Similar to the evaluation of a first prototype the focus is not a precise measurement with representative samples, but whether it is possible to relive the story with the integrated components.
Field, A. P., & Hole, G. (2003). How to design and report experiments (p. 153). London: Sage publications.
Mikos, L. & Wegener, C. (2005). Qualitative Medienforschung: ein Handbuch. Konstanz: Ut
Schäfer, B. (1983). Semantische Differential Technik. Feger, H. & Bredenkamp, J.(Hg.). Datenerhebung. Enzyklopädie der Psychologie, Themenbereich B, Methodologie und Methoden, Serie I, Forschungsmethoden der Psychologie. Göttingen: Hogrefe.